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Old-timers & Weapons

We have a passion for Steel and Wood.


Our Story

I run a small part time repair shop. We love to find simple solutions to your problems.

For more then 40 years I have been tinkering on cars and other technical stuff. For a few years now we evolved to the workshop we have now. Working with old machines to make and repair parts and tools. We love it.

Our Services

We search for the best possible solution.

Old-timer Restoration
Old-timer Restoration

We can Restore your Old-timer, so you can use it for show our drive.

Old-timer Repair
Old-timer Repair

We can perform specific repairs for body, engine, electric and more...

Weapon Repair
Weapon Repair

We can repair your rifle, pistols, revolvers, air, pcp, CO2 and more...

Weapon Restoration
Weapon Restoration

Restoring weapons is a passion of ours...

Weapon Parts
Weapon Parts

We have a lot of used good parts in stock. What we do not have we can provide or make ourselves...


Our Mission

We strive for Perfection

If we Repair or Restore your Car or Gun, it is our mission to reach perfection at the best price possible.



Stevoortsekiezel 253
3512 Stevoort     Belgium
+32 497 11 05 24
BE0696 278 173
2/7/19/15003420 Klasse FA-FD


Copyright © 2024 Orije J.. All Rights Reserved.