Mounting plates
At some time in our live we will be confronted with the fact that our sight is not what is was when we were young.
We then have the option to mount a Scope or Red dot or a dioptor sight to our rifle, pistol or scope.
There is a lot available, Products that can be mounted to the gun with no other aids , or with some mounting bracket.
For most weapons there are readily options available on the marked.
For some weapons however there is not such a solution.
The option you have then is to fabricate something yourself or by an other weapon that does have the possibility to mount such an item.
Most of us do not have the option to fabricate something like that them self.
Don't look any further.
We are able to fabricate a solution for you Like on the Picture of the Pistols for a Vector Venom reddot.
Or For the Browning SA22 where we milled slots in the receiver.
We make those parts on our conventional milling machine in steel.
Steel give us the best results and is strong enough to withstand the abuse they will suffer.
By milling pockets in specific locations we can reduce the weight to around 14 gram for a mounting bracket for the Vector venom.
Make an appointment with us, bring the weapon and together we can find out which is the best solution for your case. Our advise is free of charge.